Virosoft CP4 now registered in the United States to control both the oriental fruit moth and the codling moth

News release

Levis (QC), June 4, 2019– BioTEPP, a biotech company, is proud to announce that it has received approval from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to add the oriental fruit moth (OFM) to the list of insect pests that can be controlled by its biopesticide, VirosoftTMCP4.

“While already highly efficient against the codling moth, VirosoftTMCP4 is now recognized to be equally effective to fight another harmful insect, the OFM, which can cause significant economic losses for producers of apples, peaches, nectarines and apricots,” says Michel Tremblay, agronomist, BioTEPP’s VP of Marketing. “We’re obviously pleased to have obtained this registration from the EPA.”

Tests run in Washington State show that the use of VirosoftTMCP4 has had significative impact on the number of stings and entries the OFM can cause, as illustrated in the figure below.

The oriental fruit moth, or Grapholita molesta, is a moth of the tortricidae family. It is native to China, but was introduced to Japan and North America, and is now also found throughout Europe, Asia and South America, Hawaii, Morocco, Mauritius, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. The insect frequently migrates to pome fruit orchards in the late season where it can cause substantial fruit damage before harvest.

BioTEPP’s VirosoftTMCP4 is a biological insecticide containing the baculovirus cydia pomonellagranulosis.(Strain CpGV-cp4)It specifically targets codling moths and oriental fruit moths, allowing all other beneficial insects to perform their tasks.Used in organic and conventional production, it helps to reduce pest populations and also the use of conventional chemical pesticides and their residues.

VirosoftTMCP4 can be obtained through the following distributors:


Great Lakes IPM

7563 N Crystal Rd

Vestaburg MI  48891

Tel: 989-268-5693



3150 Stoney Point Road

East Berlin, PA 17316

(717) 259-9573.



G.S. Long of Yakima

2517 Old Town Road

Union Gap, WA 98903

(509) 575-8382



G.S. Long of Wenatchee

1012 Walla Walla Avenue

Wenatchee, WA 98807

(509) 663-3461


G.S. Long of Oregon

3305 Neal Mill Road

Hood River, OR 97031

(541) 354-2116